Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Road to Destiny

See One : Woman Determined.

No one in this world has the power to tell you what’s going to happen in your future but I believe you are the one who will make your density come alive. The way you live now will affect your future life. Although, I do not know what my destiny is at this point something that will help lead me to that destiny is being ‘conscientious. As a hard-working, persevering, dependable and fairly organized person I will try my best to dedicate my efforts to be the best person I can. I have a clear understanding of what it will take to meet the challenges ahead. There are keys out there that will help each of us make our desires come to reality. Some of these will be overcoming fears of failure, getting the best possible education available, choosing the right career and surrounding ourselves with people who have similar interests and goals. Each one of these is a vital key to success in discovering my destiny. There is no smooth path in life there are always going to be ups and downs. However, doing these things might not always bring success but it will build my strengths and that will make me become a stronger person.

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